Por defecto:
Beneficios y desafíos en equipos de cambio de instrucción
Construir: Edificio E
Sala: Pasillo Primer Piso
Fecha: 2019-11-14 05:00 PM – 06:30 PM
Última modificación: 2020-01-09
Instruction change teams face many benefits and challenges when they work collaboratively. We focus on instructional change teams focused on working in teams effectively to improve instruction in STEM university courses. The objective of the research presented here is to explore these benefits and challenges by analyzing interviews with members of various teams in multiple institutions and higher education teams. We demonstrate that the members of these teams identify benefits such as self-improvement within the teaching and feel partakers of a democratic spirit where team members can express their opinions. We also discovered that several members identify collaboration challenges, such asthose of the highest level and fulfill their commitments even when monetary incentives are lacking. In conclusion, we will consider how the results of this research can help change instructional teams experience more benefits than challenges. Finally, we believe that this work can develop future research on instructional change. This research was conducted with Dr. Alice Olmstead in the physics department and funded by NSF-DUE 1525393
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